Conques is a sort of preserved medieval town on the side of a forested valley. Because it’s like walking into a Game of Thrones set we decide to spend the day here before carrying on.

Dominating the centre of town is the Abbey Church of Saint Foy which is a bit of a draw card for the catholic pilgrims.
It’s a huge edifice which we probably don’t appreciate as much as we should and we spend a big portion of the day sitting out front eating crepes instead of being suitably awed.
It is hot and we are wilting so sightseeing takes second spot. The afternoon is burned up at the pool in our campground trying to avoid the heat and take some load off our legs. Tomorrow is supposed to be a big day.

Next | Camino day 16 – Conques to Livinhac le Haut
Previous | Camino day 14 – Golinhac to Conques