We wake up to the sound of a braying donkey and cowbells in our little corner of Finieyrols. Alissa is still feeling a bit off so we head to Nasbinals for a meal and a gite.

It’s a little more up today but still more of that almost Scottish highland countryside to walk through, scrubby trees and rock fenced paddocks with little stone cottages dotted around.
It doesn’t take long to peel our way to Nasbinals and we set ourselves up in Gite Nada which is big, cheap and easy. Just like me.

After a short, hot day like today it’s easy to get set up in a restaurant and order too much food which is precisely what we do. Apparently the regional dish here is “Aligot” which is potatoes mashed with cheese and garlic. The ratio must be almost 50/50 as it is cheeeeesy. Almost heart stopping. It is my new favourite dish and it may kill me.

Nasbinals is a busy town with a pretty amazing church, an epicerie, boulangerie and plenty of bars and restaurants. Feels much more alive than some of the towns we’ve been through. An easy place to choose to stop.
We spend an easy afternoon doing washing, checking out the playground and trying to stay cool. It’s nice to have a normal bed for the night.

Next | Camino day 10 – Nasbinals to St Chely d’Aubrac
Previous | Camino day 8 – Aumont Aubrac to Finieyrols