It seems fitting that after yesterday with a downpour that we don’t use bikes today. Though that’s not to say we are short of exercise….
The weather looks good so we decide to have a go at the cross island trek. It’s about 8 kilometres I think up a ridge line to Te Run Manga “The Needle” and then down the backside to Wigmore’s waterfall and eventually Wigmore’s store for ice cream o’clock.

We catch the anti-clockwise bus to the middle of Avarua to grab a few supplies and then it’s hike time. Heading out of town to the south. Straight on to Uruau Drive following the Avatiu stream, it’s a good gentle climb and a nice warm up for what’s to come. It doesn’t take long until the going gets steep. There is a section to get you up on to the ridgeback which is a bit of scramble. Alissa finds it tough going, Max and Nate scramble up at a great pace, this path appeals to their chimpanzee tendencies, I do alright lumping Tom up in the backpack.

Eventually we all get up to the summit, it’s a great climb. Tom is heavy, but it’s totally doable. We stumble across a guided group who share their oranges with us. Kind. We snake our way up to the base of the Needle for a quick lunch and then it’s an attempt to get down the other side to Wigmore’s. I overhear the guide talking about a slip on the track and to avoid it he then leads his group off down a barely noticeable gap in the trees. It seems like a poor idea but everyone agrees and down the faint track we go. It’s slightly concerning as the track is not nearly as well trodden in as the path we took up but it’s clear enough. It only felt like we got lost a couple of times. Soon enough we rejoin the main track and end up down at Wigmore’s waterfall. It’s a bit sad looking with a million mosquitos, Nate is the only one keen enough to jump in for a swim. Another couple of km’s down to the market and into the icecreams we go (once again with Nate the sore thumb who chose a hot curry chicken and rice dish. Obviously.)

Tom loves the bus. Well everyone who was sick of riding a bike everywhere for weeks is enjoying the bus so we use our day pass to head over to the Shipwreck Bar at Aroa Beach Hotel for dinner and a drink. Watch the sunset and whatnot. We get over there and it’s all a bit dull, we all have a drink, the food is a bit weird so we don’t order much and the wind is blowing so we decide to dart back home on the night bus quick sharp and take it easy. There’s a big day coming tomorrow.