Welcome to Mount Adventure Club | Family Travel Bloggers – Thanks for your interest in working with us! To give you an idea of our skill set, Alissa has been a commercial, property and family photographer for 7 years and has a Diploma in Art & Creativity (Honours – Photography major). You can see some more of her work HERE. Mark is an amateur writer but a full time opinion former and food enthusiast.
We are passionate about family adventure holidays. And so we created Mount Adventure Club – Family Travel Bloggers, to share our worldschooling adventures. The ultimate travel with kids blog – Not only a record of our own journey, the highs and the lows, as we experience the world as a family – But long term it’s also designed to be a resource for others: Tips, tricks & inspiration to get out and experience their own adventure holidays with kids.

In a previous (younger) life we’ve both lived and worked around the world – In France, England, Wallis & Futuna, Armenia, Papua New Guinea, Turkey & Ghana among others. We look forward to sharing our own family travel adventures and to share some of yours as well!
Get in touch with us: hello@mountadventureclub.com to see if we can make something happen.